Good Sports Policy

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General Principles
A risk management approach will be taken in planning events and activities involving the sale, supply or consumption of alcohol. Such events
and activities will be conducted and managed in a manner consistent with liquor licensing legislation and this policy.
Alcohol use can lead to risk taking, unsafe, unacceptable and/or illegal behaviour. Excessive consumption of alcohol will not be an excuse for
unacceptable behaviour, particularly behaviour that endangers others or breaches the law, this policy or any other policy of the club.

Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to club operations and reflects both community expectations and legal
Visit: for information regarding the Good Sports program.
A person is defined as in a state of intoxication if their speech, balance, co-ordination or behaviour is noticeably affected and there are
reasonable grounds for believing that this is the result of the consumption of alcohol

• Our club will ensure that servers of alcohol will not consume alcohol when on duty.
• Our club recognises that not all club members may drink alcohol. Our club will ensure that water is provided free of charge.
• The service of double measures of spirits is discouraged.
• Substantial food (requiring preparation and/or heating) will be available when alcohol is available for more than 90 minutes and more than 15 people are present. Healthy food options will be provided, where possible.
• Our club actively encourages the sale of alternative products to that of alcohol and will ensure that at least four non-alcoholic drinks and one low-alcoholic drink option are always available and priced at least 10% cheaper than the cheapest full strength drink. Healthy drink options will be provided, where possible.
• Our club actively encourages the sale of alternative products to that of alcohol and will ensure that at least four non-alcoholic drinks and one low-alcoholic drink option are always available and priced at least 10% cheaper than the cheapest full strength drink. Healthy drink options will be provided, where possible.
• Excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol is not encouraged. This means we do not conduct happy hours, cheap drink promotions or drinking competitions.
• Excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol is not encouraged. This means we do not conduct happy hours, cheap drink promotions or drinking competitions.
• Excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol is not encouraged. This means we do not conduct happy hours, cheap drink promotions or drinking competitions.
• Our club will encourage safe celebrations and events by not conducting 'all you can drink' functions.
• Our club will encourage safe celebrations and events by not providing alcohol-only drink vouchers for functions.


  • The club provides an opportunity for coaches, officials, members and volunteers to be educated about the harms of illegal drugs in a club settings

  • Our club clearly sets out the responsibilities the club committee and individuals have for handling illegal drugs in the club setting.


  • Our club will provide an opportunity for coaches, officials, members and volunteers to be educated about the risks and harms associated with alcohol.
  • The club provides an opportunity for coaches, officials, members and volunteers to be educated about mental
    health in a club setting.
  • Our club clearly displays the contact information for the ADF Drug Information Line. Our club will also promote
    additional services that are available to members to deal with drug-related issues (e.g. local community health provider such as GPs).
  • Our club will promote mental health materials from reputable mental health organisations within the club.
  • Our club does not advertise, promote, serve or consume alcohol at junior games, events, functions or activities.
  • Our club does not advertise, promote, serve or consume alcohol at junior games, events, functions or activities.
  • Our club does not permit the drinking of alcohol in the club change-rooms when members of junior teams are
  • Our club does not permit the drinking of alcohol in the club change-rooms when people under the age of 18 are present, including underage players in senior teams.
  • Alcohol brands and products will not be advertised by the junior club and will not be placed on junior apparel.
  • Our club is committed to creating a safe, respectful and positive club environment where players, officials,
    members and families can thrive. Accordingly, all parents of junior players and visitors are required to:

  • Respect the referee’s decisions – don’t complain or argue about decisions during or after a game.
  • Encourage players to play by the rules and to respect opposition players and officials
  • Never ridicule or scorn a player for making a mistake – respect their efforts
  • Condemn all violent or illegal acts, whether by players, coaches, officials, parents or spectators
  • Understand that sport is part of a total life experience, and the benefits of involvement go far beyond the final
    score of a game
  • Participate in positive cheering that encourages the players in the team you are supporting; not engaging in any
  • cheering that taunts or intimidates opponents, their fans or officials
  • Remember that children participate for their own enjoyment, not yours
  • Follow the directions of the Ground Manager and/or other duty officials at all times
  • Never arrive at a game under the influence of alcohol
  • Not use unsportsmanlike language, harass others or behave aggressively
  • Parents, associate members or others who have agreed to abide by our club's Code of Conduct and policies,
  • including this Policy, who have behaved inappropriately, may face disciplinary action.

Whilst engaging in club activities, members, volunteers and visitors will not post images on social media of
themselves or others drinking alcohol irresponsibly at club-related activities.
• Our club will avoid providing awards (e.g. at end of season presentations) and fundraising prizes that have an emphasis on alcohol as a reward.
• When promoting events the club will adopt the practices of safe celebrations by:

  • Not overemphasising the availability of alcohol or referring to the amount of alcohol available
  • Not encouraging rapid drinking or excessive drinking
  • Giving equal reference to the availability of non-alcoholic drinks
  • Displaying a clear start and finish time for the function
  • Including a safe transport message, where possible and relevant.
    • Our club will monitor and ensure any club trips, particularly end of season player trips, strictly adhere to responsible
    behaviour and alcohol consumption in accordance with the principles of this policy and the values of the club.
    • Our club recognises that driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is hazardous to individuals and the
    wider community. Accordingly, we ask that all attendees at our functions plan their transport requirements to
    ensure they arrive home safely and prevent driving under the influence of alcohol.

Licencing requirements
• Our club will ensure that a current and appropriate liquor licence is maintained, and will comply with our Liquor licence requirements and all applicable local by-laws.
• The club will comply with its' liquor licence requirements and all applicable local by-laws.
• Our club will ensure that alcohol is only served during the times specified in our liquor licence.
• Our club will ensure that only people aged 18 years or older serve alcohol.
• Alcohol will not be served to persons aged under 18 years.

Bar servers and committee members will ask for proof of age for anyone who looks 25 years old or younger.
Only photo ID's will be accepted as 'proof of age'.
• Intoxicated people will not be permitted to enter our club premises.
• Servers will follow Responsible Service of Alcohol training procedures when refusing service to an intoxicated
- If a person becomes intoxicated (and is not putting other people at risk with their behaviour) the person will not be served alcohol but will be provided with water and options for safe transport home from our club, where available.
- If a person becomes intoxicated (and is putting other people at risk due to their behaviour) the person will be asked to leave our club premises immediately and offered safe transport options, where available. Police may also be contacted to remove the person, if required.
- Our club will ensure only Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) trained bar servers with current accreditations will serve alcohol.
- Our club will ensure an incident register will be maintained (at the bar/canteen) and any alcohol-related incidents will be recorded on the register.

- Whilst engaging in club activities, members, volunteers and visitors:

  • Will accept responsibility for their own behaviour, and take a responsible approach and use good judgment when alcohol is available
  • Will encourage and assist others to use good judgment when alcohol is available
  • Will not compete, train, coach or officiate if affected by alcohol
  • Will not provide, encourage or allow people aged under 18 years to consume alcohol
  • Will not participate, pressure anyone or encourage excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol (including drinking competitions)
    - Will not provide alcohol only as an award to a player or official for any reason
    - Will not post images on social media of themselves or others drinking alcohol irresponsibly at club-related
    - Club committee members will uphold this policy and any non-compliance, particularly in regard to Licencing Laws, will be handled according to the following process:
    - Explanation of the policy to the person/people concerned, including identification of the section of policy not being complied with.
    - Continued non-compliance with the policy should be handled by at least two committee members who will use their discretion as to the action taken, which may include asking the person/ people to leave the facilities or function.
    - Our club has an action plan/incident management process in place that covers our reaction and response to alcohol related incidents, illegal drugs found on club premises and mental health incidents.

Promotion & perception
• Our club will ensure Good Sports merchandise is on display at our club.
• Our club will hold at least one Good Sports themed event or round each year.
• Whilst engaging in club activities, members, volunteers and visitors will not compete, train, coach or officiate if
affected by alcohol.

Our club will
- Ensure this policy is easily accessible and will promote it via [our website, newsletters, social media,
announcements during events and functions].
- Educate members, volunteers and visitors about our policy and the benefits of having such a policy.
- Pursue non-alcohol sponsorship and revenue sources.
- Actively demonstrate its attitude relating to the responsible use of alcohol and other drugs and promote positive messages through its social media platforms.
- Actively participate in the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Good Sports program with an ongoing priority to [achieve/maintain] the highest Good Sports accreditation.
- Our club will ensure this policy is easily accessible and will promote it via our website, newsletters, social media,
announcements during events and functions.
- Our club will promote resources for members wishing to quit, including the national Quitline (13 78 48,, where appropriate.
- Many young people hold parents, teammates and coaches in high esteem and smoking around them sends the message that smoking is okay. Therefore we expect that coaches, players, officials and volunteers will refrain from smoking while involved in an official capacity for the club, on and off the field.
- To foster our club’s reputation as a healthy environment, no images of club volunteers, members, officials, coaches and players smoking at club-related activities will be placed on social media.

Our club requires the following areas of the club’s [facility/sporting ground] to be smoke-free

- All indoor areas
- All outdoor playing/training areas
- All spectator areas (standing and seated, covered and uncovered)
- All canteen, catering, eating and drinking areas

- Smoke-free areas will be signed (where possible) and promoted in club materials. A designated smoking permitted area is available.
- Cigarettes, e-cigarettes and any other tobacco products will not be sold, including from vending machines, at any time at or by our club.